#! /system/bin/sh
if test -z "$1"; then exec echo "USAGE: locate.sh [filename|-u|--help]"; fi
case "$1" in
echo 'locate.sh by fubaya (a-more-common-hades.blogspot.com)
This is a cheap imitation of the UNIX locate command. It stores
a list of all the files on your system to /sdcard/.locatedb (about 2MB)
then greps that file to find whatever you are looking for.
USAGE: locate.sh [filename|-u|--help]
[filename] case insensitive search for any file of any type.
-u update the "database." This must be ran periodically if you want to
find new files. I have it set to run at boot on phone.
--help display this help message
EXAMPLE: $ cd /; touch /data/testfile
$ locate.sh testfile
$ locate.sh -u
database updated
$ locate.sh testfile
find / -print > /sdcard/.locatedb && echo "database updated"
grep -i "$1" /sdcard/.locatedb
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