Again, I must warn you, the intented audience for this is... me! This was created for my Galaxy Nexus with a 4.65 inch 1280×720 resolution screen size. It will certainly look terrible on a smaller phone. The Tasker scenes will be too large for the screen and the weather maps will probably be too small to be useful. On something larger such as a tablet, it will be too small but resizing the one scene named "Meso" should make it work great.
The way it works is pretty simple. The main interface is a scene named MesoMenu1. I've included a task named MesoStart which will display the menu, or you can make one on your own. The task can be called from a shortcut/widget on your home screen or from any other method you might call a Tasker task.
This is the main interface, MesoMenu1. From here you will want to first set your region so the weather maps are centered on your area. There is one blank area where you may want to add another bit of text to launch something else, like the Convective Outlook project, for example.
This is the region select screen. The region is stored in a global variable %SECTOR so it should never need to be changed, but can be changed from this menu at any time. Once you select a region, a map will pop up showing you the area you chose.
This is an example of selecting Wind Shear from the main menu. You are presented with all the same choices that you'd see on the SPC's website. Some menus have a lot of maps and some only have a few. This one happens to have a lot.
Once you select one, 850 & 500 mb Winds in this case, a map will be displayed. Closing it will take you back to the last menu.
Here is the download link. Download to your sdcard then import into Tasker. Enjoy.