To use them, first go to, type in your zip code, then it will take you to a page with the following links:
Detailed 7-day Forecast
Your Local Radar
Current Conditions
Satellite Image
Hazardous Weather
Area Forecast Discussion
Copy the links for "Detailed 7-day Forecast" and "Current Conditions" to use in these commands.
wget -q "LINK" -O - | sed -e 's/<br><br>/\n\n/g' -e 's#<[^>]*>##gCopy "wx-forecast" to your clipboard with this QR code, and don't forget to edit the LINK for your location:
wget -q "LINK" -O - | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/<br>/\n/g' -e 's/°//g' -e 's#<[^>]*>##g' | grep -v -E '(Current|Service|Lat:)'Copy "wx-current" to your clipboard with this QR code, and don't forget to edit the LINK for your location:
If you want to run these from GScript shortcuts, GScript has a bug that makes text unscrollable over a certain number of lines and the forecast puts out too much information, so you only see the last few lines which are the last few days of the 7-day forecast. I found that running wx-forecast | grep -A 9 "Last Update" should gives you 4 lines of forecast info. Since days are split up between day and night, this will give you the forecast for approximately the next 36 hours, which is pretty much as far out as a forecast is reliable anyway.